Frequently Asked Questions

What is biomechanics?

Biomechanics is the scientific discipline that applies the principles of mechanics to living organisms. With respect to the human body, biomechanics incorporates the concepts of engineering and physics in order to understand normal and pathological motion, physical performance, and mechanisms of injury.

How do I know if I need a biomechanical evaluation?

Anyone who has difficulty moving or experiences pain during physical activity is a candidate for a biomechanical evaluation. For persons with pain, a biomechanical evaluation will determine if abnormal movement is contributing to your symptoms. Such an evaluation particularly is indicated when conventional forms of treatment have failed (i.e. surgery, injections, medications, chiropractic, physical therapy, etc).

What does a biomechanical evaluation entail?

Depending on the type of evaluation being performed, you likely will be asked to perform activities similar to those that cause your symptoms. Walking and running evaluations will be performed on an instrumented treadmill. For return to sport evaluations, be prepared to perform activities consistent with your sport (i.e. jumping, cutting, lateral movements, etc.). In addition to evaluating your movement, we also may evaluate your muscle strength, flexibility, joint range of motion, etc.

What will a biomechanical evaluation tell me?

Upon the conclusion of your evaluation, you will have an understanding of the potential biomechanical sources of your pain or movement dysfunction. You also will have an understanding of the causes of the observed movement impairments. Based on the information obtained during your examination, we will make treatment recommendations to remedy the deficiencies noted.

What should I wear to my appointment?

To properly analyze your movement, we will need to see your joints, the top of your pelvis and trunk. Therefore, please avoid wearing pants or long, baggy shorts and shirts. Your shorts may need to be taped up so we can see the appropriate bony landmarks. Men may be asked to take their shirt off for the evaluation. For women, a sports bra may be recommended. Please wear the same type of shoes you would typically use when you walk or run.

How long does a biomechanical evaluation take?

Please allow 2 hours for your evaluation.

Do I need to do anything to prepare for my evaluation?

There is no need to prepare for your evaluation. However, it is important to avoid vigorous activity a day or two before your examination. Please bring any pertinent medical records to your appointment, including MRI, x-rays, etc.

How much does a biomechanical evaluation cost?

The cost of your evaluation will depend on the type of testing being performed. Typical charges range from $300-$500.

Will insurance cover the cost of the testing?

The Movement Performance Institute does not accept insurance for biomechanical testing. However, we will provide you with an invoice with the necessary billing codes that you can submit to your insurance carrier. Insurance plans vary considerably, so please contact you insurance company to see if the cost of your testing is reimbursable.

When will I get the results of my evaluation?

You will receive a verbal summary of your results immediately following your evaluation. An electronic report will be provided within 2 weeks. If you would like copies of your videos, please bring a flash-drive and we will provide them to you.

Will you communicate the results of my evaluation with my physician, physical therapist, or trainer?

Upon your request, we will provide a copy of your report to the person(s) of your choosing. We are also available to talk directly with your health care provider to discuss your plan of care.